Altoとは/What does Alto mean?

High-quality education


Alto" is the Italian word for "high". It represents the "high quality education" we provide and encourages children to "aim higher".

Never before.


"Alt" is also used as an abbreviation for "Alternate = alternative, other possibility. We will practice a new form of education and open the future for children.

Become one


The shape of the "O" represents the unity of children, staff, and parents; everyone involved with Alto aims to learn together.

I hope there are


We will give form to educational possibilities that have been difficult to realize in the past. We hope to be a school that fulfills the wishes of our students.

Alto ✖️ 最高の教育


Alto provides a new form of education in New York City in cooperation with Zukai Eiko Learning Center. We will deliver the best education by utilizing the know-how of instruction and high quality teaching materials accumulated in Japan over many years.