Case No. 001

For the victims of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake,
we want to send hope from New York

目標達成金額/ Amount of target achieved
$1,000  Gole!!

第2目標達成金額/ Amount of 2nd target achieved

企画終了/ End of project

現在の総支援金額/  Current total support amount

現在の総支援者数/ Current supporters





Nice to meet you. We are Kotaro Yoshikawa and Yuki Yamamoto, students at Alto Japanese School, a school in New York where students can learn Japanese at a pace that suits them. The school offers Japanese language and math classes. In addition to language and math, there is a "project" time, in which students are free to choose their own theme and work toward the goal of "making someone happy through what I have learned. Our theme was to support the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. First, we researched about earthquakes. Next, we discussed what kind of support we could provide. As a result, we decided to make a plan to collect money and send it to the disaster area. We decided to start a crowdfunding campaign to let as many people as possible know about the current situation in Noto Peninsula and to support them.



The effects of the earthquake, as we found out from our research

On January 1 at 16:10, an earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa 16 km underground. The earthquake measured 7.6 on the Richter scale, which is rare even in Japan. In addition, a 1.5-meter tsunami was generated. Currently, 260 people are pronounced dead and 3 people are reported missing. On top of that, more than 10,000 people are living in 521 evacuation centers across the area. The hardest hit areas were Ishikawa and neighboring Toyama prefectures. After researching the situation five months after the earthquake, we found that the damage had not been repaired at all, and we saw that the whole town was still in shambles. There were 335 people seriously injured, 8,459 houses completely destroyed, and 20,361 partially destroyed (according to the damage report by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism at 14:00 on June 4, 2024).



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Connection with the affected areas

My grandfather and grandmother live in Fukui Prefecture, which is next to Ishikawa and Toyama: two heavily affected prefectures. Fortunately, they were not seriously injured, nor was their home damaged, but I heard that their house was destroyed. I was shocked when I heard about it. After that, I thought to myself "Is there anything I can do to help? If you want to support our cause,  we would like to ask for your cooperation. We will deliver any donations to the affected areas without fail. 

リターンを見る/ View Returns

Notations are based on the Specified Commercial Transaction Act

販売業者/ Distributor: Eikoh North America Inc.
責任者/ Supervisor: 中村健人/ Taketo Nakamura
所在地/ Address: 370 Lexington Avenue, Suite1804, New York, NY 10017
メールアドレス/ E-mail:
販売価格/ Sales Price: 販売価格は、表示された金額(表示価格/消費税込)と致します。  The selling price shall be the amount indicated (indicated price / consumption tax included). 
支払方法/ Payment Method: square, Inc.のウェブサイトにて、決済を承っております。 We accept payment at the website of square, Inc.
支払時期/ Payment Date: 商品注文確定時でお支払いが確定致します。  Payment is confirmed at the time of order confirmation. 
商品のお届け時期/ Product delivery time: 企画ごとに明記/ Specify for each project
返品・キャンセルについて/ Returns and Cancellation Policy: 商品に欠陥がある場合を除き、基本的には返品、キャンセルには応じません。  We generally do not accept returns or cancellations unless the product is defective. 
 商品代金以外に必要な費用および送料、消費税等/  Expenses other than the product price, shipping charges, consumption tax, etc.: 送料無料 (商品代金に含む) /Free shipping (included in the product price)
返品の取扱条件と返品期限、返品時の送料負担または解約や退会条件/ Conditions for handling returns and return deadlines, shipping charges for returns, or cancellation or withdrawal conditions.:  《返品の取扱い条件》輸送による商品の破損および発送ミスがあった場合のみ返品可 《Terms and Conditions for Returns》Returns are accepted only in case of shipping damage or shipping errors.
商品到着後14日以内に弊社までご連絡いただいた後、出品者から連絡のある返送先へご返送下さい。  Please contact us within 14 days of receiving the item and return it to the return address provided by the seller. 
不良品の取扱条件/ Conditions for handling defective products: 商品受取時に必ず商品の確認をお願いいたします。商品には万全を期しておりますが、万が一下記のような場合にはお問い合わせフォームにてお問い合わせ下さい。
Please be sure to check the product upon receipt. Although we take all possible measures to ensure the quality of our products, please contact us using the Inquiry Form in the event of any of the following.
-If you receive an item that is different from the one you ordered.
-The product is dirty or damaged.
For defective products for the above reasons, please contact us within 14 days of receipt of the product, and the seller will contact you to let you know how to deal with the problem.